Improper solar eclipse viewing can cause a retinal burn called solar retinopathy
Solar retinopathy is a condition that occurs when the sun's powerful rays damage the retina, the area in the back of your eye that receives light. This can potentially lead to vision impairment or even permanent blindness. It is usually caused by looking directly at the sun without proper eye protection.
Here are some safety guidelines to keep in mind: 1. Never look directly at the sun without appropriate protective eyewear. Regular sunglasses, even if very dark, are not safe for viewing the sun directly. 2. Use solar viewing glasses or eclipse glasses that meet the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard. These glasses are designed specifically to protect your eyes from solar radiation. 3. Avoid using unfiltered cameras, telescopes, binoculars, or other optical devices, as they can amplify the sun’s rays and cause serious eye injury. 4. Be aware that even brief unprotected exposure to the sun can cause solar retinopathy. Always ensure your eyes are protected. 5. If you notice any changes in your vision after viewing the solar eclipse, seek immediate medical attention. Remember, enjoying the solar eclipse should not come at the expense of your vision. We urge everyone to take the necessary precautions to protect your eyes and enjoy this rare event safely.
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